Saturday, November 16, 2013

Guiding Hula: Part one--Getting To Know You.

Hula’s first professional training session was more of a “getting-to-know-you” ride.  Much can be determined from the first ride on a new horse.  An experienced trainer can assess how much training the horse has had and in what discipline by how the horse responds to different cues.  The trainer can also discover past injuries or sore spots that the horse may have by how she moves or if she avoids certain movements.  Just like humans, horses have directional preferences, i.e. right-handed/left-handed and will tend to be more supple when turning to one side and more stiff or reluctant to turn in the opposite.
Behavior and personality traits are also determined by the first ride.  Is the horse willing to follow her riders cues even if she doesn’t quite understand what is being asked or does she balk and refuse to do whatever is asked?  Does she follow willingly throughout the ride or does she try to end the ride with bad behavior?  The latter usually indicates the skill of the previous rider.  Young or inexperienced riders tend to stop riding when the horse becomes uncooperative or behaves badly, thus teaching the horse that they determine the length of work time instead of the rider.  Many good horses end up in bad places because of this.  
Jeremy’s opinion of Hula was that she was rather green or inexperienced inside the ring.  She was stubborn and determined to call the shots, only trotting when she felt like it and flat-out refusing when she didn’t.  
Unfortunately for her, Jeremy was similarly determined to be the one in control.   There were several differences of opinion but Hula eventually conceded to her rider’s insistence.  Prior experience would make one think that Hula had not had such an insistent rider in a while but the diva in her enjoyed most of the attention she was getting.  
Jeremy was quiet, offering lots of new experiences but making her as comfortable as possible.  His requests were, at times unfamiliar to her but he praised every attempt to follow them.  He would ask and then make it easy for her to get the answer right.  Confidence is an excellent reward.  
After a short amount of time Hula’s first training session was over.  She had done everything that her trainer had asked of her and had received lots of praise and rubs for her efforts.  Horse and rider left the ring feeling tired but happy. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Guiding Hula

This fall I spent some long overdue time at Carousel Horse Farm in Casco to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage in the peak of color and to catch up with some of my favorite horses. 

Traveller, Rose and Big John, Rockette, Cricket and Vista were all busy with trail rides out to view Mount Washington and the fall foliage from the trail while Abby gracefully pulled wedding carriage along the road for those guests less inclined climb into a saddle.   

Standing at the hitching post was a newcomer to the Carousel herd, a spectacular solid-colored registered Paint Horse named Hula.  Hula came to Carousel this summer to join the other trail horses as they carry guests through the woods and pastures on guided trail rides.   

Hula, a young horse, seemed a bit unsure of herself with the novice riders but soon gained confidence under the direction of the more experienced trail guides.   As trail-riding season is winding down decisions are being made on which horses to keep for next season and which ones would be better suited for a different job.  With Hula’s petite stature of 14.2 hands, rich solid black coloring and her sweet, quiet disposition it was decided that Hula has more potential as a 4-H pony with her own special person.    

Fortunately for Hula, Carousel horse farm has several skilled riders that can train her in the basics of what she needs to know to succeed.  Jeremy, a newcomer himself to Carousel Horse Farm, has agreed to guide her along this journey and I will be following Hula and Jeremy as together they unlock Hula’s full potential. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I'm Back In The Saddle Again

The "saddle" being my comfy office chair, writing about my wonderful, crazy, horsey life. 

Yes, I am back after a long summer hiatus in which I have gotten my son off to college and my daughter successfully started in her senior year of high school!  In the midst of my busyness I have also spent a good amount of my time at Carousel Horse Farm, one of my favorite places in the world.

In the coming weeks I hope to fill you in on a bunch of horsey happenings both personally and at the farm.  I have added a few things to my bucket list—we will see where that leads! 

I will be doing some traveling as Molly and I check out various colleges that have equestrian programs.  Touring collegiate barns should offer plenty of blogging fotter. 

Christmas is coming and that means at least one carriage ride in beautiful Freeport, Maine courtesy of Freeport Carriage Company as well as my third (or is it fourth) annual trip to Woodstock, Vermont for the horse and carriage parade during Wassail Weekend and a visit to the Vermont Horse Country Store

Hang on, dear readers!  There is so much more to come!