Thursday, November 7, 2013

I'm Back In The Saddle Again

The "saddle" being my comfy office chair, writing about my wonderful, crazy, horsey life. 

Yes, I am back after a long summer hiatus in which I have gotten my son off to college and my daughter successfully started in her senior year of high school!  In the midst of my busyness I have also spent a good amount of my time at Carousel Horse Farm, one of my favorite places in the world.

In the coming weeks I hope to fill you in on a bunch of horsey happenings both personally and at the farm.  I have added a few things to my bucket list—we will see where that leads! 

I will be doing some traveling as Molly and I check out various colleges that have equestrian programs.  Touring collegiate barns should offer plenty of blogging fotter. 

Christmas is coming and that means at least one carriage ride in beautiful Freeport, Maine courtesy of Freeport Carriage Company as well as my third (or is it fourth) annual trip to Woodstock, Vermont for the horse and carriage parade during Wassail Weekend and a visit to the Vermont Horse Country Store

Hang on, dear readers!  There is so much more to come!

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