Neigh there! Hot enough for ya? Yup, us too. I wanted tell you about how our two-legged friends keep us comfortable here at Carousel Horse Farm. Like most two-legs, we don’t get a day off just because it’s hot. If the heat index is below 90 we still do our jobs just like you do. Luckily our two-legged friends here at the farm work hard to keep us comfortable in this heat.
First of all, most of our trail rides start and end through
the nice cool woods under a canopy of shade trees. We are never asked to trot or canter too much
when it is very hot but we do love to stretch our legs and take a good trot to
outrun the biting bugs, not to mention having the wind in your mane feels
really good.

Let’s talk about sweat.
You do it and we do too. Like
you, it means that our cooling systems are working just fine. It’s our body’s way of cooling itself
off. We stay well hydrated when we work
so we can stay healthy. Did you know
that we can actually get sick if we drink too much ice cold water when we are
working? Yup! It’s called colic and it’s like a really bad
belly ache. Our two-legged friends make
sure that we have fresh water to drink but that it’s not too cold—tepid is
You may think that our equipment makes us hot. After all, our saddle pads are made of thick
wool and look really hot and we sweat a lot under them. What you may not know is that the wool saddle
pads wick the sweat away from our body and keep the saddle from rubbing raw
spots on our back. The same is true of
our girth strap (it goes around our belly and keeps the saddle from falling
off). The sweat actually keeps it
lubricated so it doesn’t rub us raw. If
you notice, when your ride is finished our two-legged friends will loosen our
girth straps to give our skin a chance to breathe and the sweat to evaporate so
we can cool off.
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